Toothpaste: Making the right choice.

Toothpaste: Making the right choice.

Toothpaste: So many choices. So little time.




(In this two part series, we’ll help you navigate the overwhelming dental hygiene aisle at the grocery store to select the best toothpaste for you!)


Let us help you choose the right toothpaste.

One of the most common questions I am asked by patients is about toothpaste. “Specifically,” they ask, “which of the many options is best for me?” I must admit, the industry is huge and the offerings are numerous, it is easy to get lost amidst all the choices.

First of all, let me tell you, your choice will ultimately come down to personal preference. However, there are two essential elements that should help you get started.


#1. Approval from the ADA

ada_seal_of_acceptance-450x450Take it from Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone (1990) and ask, “Is this toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association?”

The most important thing is for your toothpaste to be approved by the American Dental Association (ADA). Toothpaste that bears this seal assures you that the product has met the rigorous standards for safety and efficacy set by the ADA.



#2. Contains fluoride.

Second only to ADA approval, is fluoride. Our number one goal in dental hygiene is to prevent bacteria, disease and decay. Using toothpaste that contains fluoride is your best defense. Nearly every kind of toothpaste on the market contains fluoride. Except in specific cases, we recommend every patient choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride.



The rest is still up to you…

With these two essentials in mind, there is only one more element to consider: added benefits. What do you hope this product will contribute to your overall oral health? There are many, many choices out there for toothpaste. Keep in mind; as long as you see the ADA seal and fluoride in the ingredients list, everything else is a matter of personal preference.


And we’ll help.

In our next article in this series we will look more closely at the different added benefits available to you in that long aisle of so many toothpaste choices! We’ll break down the mystique and help you arrive at just the right choice.


Remember, our staff is always eager to assist you!

When you schedule your next dental check up with Dr. Retrum, be sure to mention you have questions about dental hygiene products!